Narrative tenses – all past tenses

Infographic explaining all narrative tenses in English grammar, including past simple, past continuous, past perfect simple, and past perfect continuous with examples and uses, such as completed actions, habits, durations, and events in chronological order.

We also use the past simple to talk about past habits or past states.

Past continuous

We use the past continuous to set the scene in a story.

We use the past continuous for actions in progress in the past or longer actions interrupted by shorter actions in the past simple.

Past perfect simple

We use the past perfect simple to talk about an earlier past: events which happened before the main event.

Earlier single events

We use the past perfect simple to talk about earlier events and experiences or single actions completed earlier in the past.

We use the past perfect simple (and not continuous) to say how much or how many we had done of something earlier in the past.

Duration from earlier in the past (stative verbs)

We use the past perfect simple with stative verbs to talk about states or situations that had started earlier in the past. We often use how long, for or since, always, etc.

Past perfect continuous

Duration from earlier in the past (dynamic verbs)

We use the past perfect continuous with dynamic verbs to talk about longer continuous actions that started earlier in the past than the main events of the story.

Repeated actions from earlier in the past (dynamic verbs)

We use the past perfect continuous with dynamic verbs to talk about repeated actions from earlier in the past.

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